What is NOS?

The Nebraska Off-Road Series is a series of six, one day mountain bike racing events that take place on single-track trails in Eastern Nebraska and Western Iowa. Each event consists of short course, cross country and marathon races.


NOS’ Mission

NOS aims to provide safe, consistent, and enjoyable mountain bike racing opportunities for everyone. NOS strives to promote competition, and inclusivity while building a community around their races!


NOS is a USA-Cycling sanctioned series that strives for safe, consistent, and enjoyable racing.


The Nebraska Off-Road series is proud to ride, race, and help maintain T.H.O.R. trails.

NOS is a Non-profit!

NOS obtained 501c3 status in 2023, and we like to be transparent about what we do around here, so please read through the links to see what NOS is up to and how we do it!

NOS is Presented By